Tell me Something about Yourself

Tell me about yourself is a question that most applicants would expect most. It is also the hardest question to be answer as well. There are a lot of ways to answer this playful yet mind-boggling question. Some might answer in an open-ended statement, while other applicants cannot clearly deliver their answers.
The key to answering this question is to answer the question is to answer the question with a statement that supports one’s career objectives. Answering about your personal stuffs would not give you credits from the employer. There’s no right or wrong answers to this question. It is just a matter of professionalism. Focus on answering about your career development plans.

The Important Role of Fun in Career Development

Impossible as it may seem, there is a place for fun in the stressful world of job-hunting and career development. For fresh graduates, it is always fun the first time, but, for the skeptical, long-term applicants or employees who want job change for their career development, the idea of having fun is almost like taking a nap during war.
Here are some tips to make job hunting fun:

Career Development Plan: Writing Objectives

When to Use an Objective
If you are an experienced professional, consider using a Summary statement instead of an Objective statement (see "Should I use a Summary instead of an Objective" under Questions and Answers). However, if you can clearly define the position you are seeking, then an Objective statement is recommended.

Advantages to Using an Objective:
· assures the reader that you are focused in a particular career field.
· Allows hiring managers to match your resume with appropriate jobs quickly.
· Helps focus your resume to support your qualifications for a specific career.

Managing Stress

Stress is our body’s way of reacting to any kind of demand. Reacting to events as stressful is a learned behavior. We can learn and unlearn ways to react to our stress. Common factors that cause us stress are physical aspects, environmental aspects, fatigue and overwork, internal aspects, etc. But the bottom line is, we, ourselves is the one who gives us stress. We let the stressors trigger the reaction of stress. How can we manage stress so that we can be more productive in school or at work?

Power Struggles at Office

Just like in school or at any other place, workplace contains all kinds of person, including power trippers. But, we need nut to submit to their wiles just to surrender our own personal power. In this article, you will learn how to cope with these power robbers. These are the list of some common ways we allow ourselves to surrender to  other's feelings:

1. Not wanting to upset people around you.
           The fact is, some people are pretending to be upset just to make us accept whatever they want. When you don't assert or learn how to manage your fear of displeasing someone, you're just a whiny already surrendering your personal power.