Tell me Something about Yourself

Tell me about yourself is a question that most applicants would expect most. It is also the hardest question to be answer as well. There are a lot of ways to answer this playful yet mind-boggling question. Some might answer in an open-ended statement, while other applicants cannot clearly deliver their answers.
The key to answering this question is to answer the question is to answer the question with a statement that supports one’s career objectives. Answering about your personal stuffs would not give you credits from the employer. There’s no right or wrong answers to this question. It is just a matter of professionalism. Focus on answering about your career development plans.

Purpose of the Question
One cannot ask anything or everything from a set of questions from position to position and industry to industry. Every question is being ask in the interview is used to differentiate your skills, experience, and personality with that of other candidates.

Preparing for Answers
Following these steps will ensure you great response and you will grab the interviewer’s attention:

Provide a brief introduction. State some of your attributes that are keys to the open position.
Prepare a career summary. Include all details of your work history and job experiences in your career summary. Your career summary must support you objectives. Keep your answers limited to your most recent work history. Try to include dates of your employment if possible.
Research and study about the company’s profile. Your response must be always related to the needs of the organization hiring you. It is your job as the interviewee to make sure that the interviewer understands how your skills and experience will help the company increase their market sales or how will you add up to the productivity of the organization.
Try to ask questions. By asking questions, you can gain control of the job interview. You might also get some information about the company that will help you answer questions from the employer.

What Type of Answer is expected?
Try to avoid subjective answers such as you’re a fast learner or you’re a hard-worker. You may say something like, “I began developing relevant to financial planning when I work as a financial analyst for 3 years.” Or “I manage to develop my skills in programming that in my last employment, I manage to design online advertisements, and able to create my own website about career development plan.”

When this Question is Ask by Different People
In every different circumstance, we responded to the different needs of different individual. It is a must that we answer this question regarding to the needs of Human Resources personnel or the CEO Representative.

1 comment:

  1. Hay am from India and this the questions that is first asked in the interview, very well explained, i always was confused exactly what to talk about my self!@boseCareer Development Plan Template
