Managing Stress

Stress is our body’s way of reacting to any kind of demand. Reacting to events as stressful is a learned behavior. We can learn and unlearn ways to react to our stress. Common factors that cause us stress are physical aspects, environmental aspects, fatigue and overwork, internal aspects, etc. But the bottom line is, we, ourselves is the one who gives us stress. We let the stressors trigger the reaction of stress. How can we manage stress so that we can be more productive in school or at work?

·         Try to think of this: does the situation really stressful? Do I gain benefit for allowing it to generate stress?

·         Try to do some regular exercise to let loose of our excess energy. Studies show that unused adrenalin glands can be poisonous to our body, thus, causing stress.

·         Eat a healthy and balance diet. We tend to be more stress because we over eat. Try to lessen intakes of fatty and oily foods, to avoid cholesterol which is a factor adding up to our stress.

·         Work also at lowering stress among colleagues. Change the ambient stress around yourself.

·         Take a 1 minute vacation several times a day. Try to relax and think of things that make us feel at ease. Think of yourself having a good time on a white sand beach or having fun time in an amusement park. By doing this, we free ourselves from stress, even for just a while.

·         If you have free hours, try to do something that will let you free from obsessing too much on stress. Create new hobbies, engage on a new sport, and try to visit other places so that your mind can be far away from stress.

·         Lastly, if you thing you’re too busy that you can’t get enough of your time, try to gain some free time. Relaxation is the best way to avoid stress.

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