Power Struggles at Office

Just like in school or at any other place, workplace contains all kinds of person, including power trippers. But, we need nut to submit to their wiles just to surrender our own personal power. In this article, you will learn how to cope with these power robbers. These are the list of some common ways we allow ourselves to surrender to  other's feelings:

1. Not wanting to upset people around you.
           The fact is, some people are pretending to be upset just to make us accept whatever they want. When you don't assert or learn how to manage your fear of displeasing someone, you're just a whiny already surrendering your personal power.

2. Too much claiming of responsibilities.
            You were just a saint, feeling sorry and grateful to their personal bad vibes, being too responsible for their bad days and bad luck. Focusing on other's reaction and feelings will only result in losing your own personal needs and interests.

3. Victim Syndrome.
            Some people think, the only way they can get whatever they want and whenever they want is to look like a person having too much suffering in his life. Try to assert yourself. Think of the positive things that happens to you, rather than being pessimistic and always feel sorry for yourself whenever you encounter something unpleasant.

4. Not showing your true inner self.
            If you think that others will most likely hate you because of who you are, you already lose your own battle.

5. Fearing failure.
            This is the most common occurrence in most people. They want to be always in their comfort zone, avoiding too much responsibilities just to make sure nothing will go wrong, thus avoiding negative feedback from other people, especially superiors.

Want to reclaim your personal power, take note of these tips:
1. Learn the self-sabotaging habits you encounter and you will possibly encounter and try to manage how to overcome these habits.
2. Learn from your mistakes. Most person improves because of their failure. They learn because they don't want these failures to happen and occur anymore.
3. Put things in perspective. Remember, if you think you are worst among all, think again. Someone is far worse than you.
4. Try to gain something new to improve your outlook and boost your self-esteem.
5. Try to change your prospective in life. Might as well change your habits inside working place.
6. Think positive. Two simple words yet meaningful.
7. Don't let others handle yourself. You know yourself better than they do.

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