The Inspiring Story of Joseph the Dreamer

   If you're familiar with the bible or you're a Roman Catholic, you might heard about the story of Joseph the Dreamer. During his young days, he had a little dream of prominence. Time came when his jealous brothers sold him to slavery and ended up working in Egypt under the state of Potiphar. Instead of complaining, he performs so well that he became the chief administrator of Potiphar's state. 
Later, Mrs. Potiphar try to seduce Joseph but he did not gave in to Mrs. Potiphar's wiles. When he refuses, Mrs. Potiphar acuses him for attempted rape. He was thrown into the but still, complies with the prison;s tasks and responsibilities. After those difficult years, Pharaoh was impressed how Joseph performs to his duties and later promote him as second-in-command in Egypt. 

Lesson of the story: Learn how to face and accept your jobs without any regrets and complains. As the military says. "Obey first before you complain." This goes well with our jobs and even on-the-job training. Learn to accept things especially our jobs. If we have a job or undergoing OJT, rather than hating it, treat it as a divine appointment from above. God has reasons for putting us in that situation. We may not know it so far, but its results will speak as a proof for it.

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