How to Get you Dream Promotion

Internalize these tips and add them to your career plan. You would have move to the next level before you notice it. One main reason for employee to ignore these tips is because these tips seem to very long term. But if you only DO them, this may not be a long term at all. Here are the 9 tips:

·         Where you are now and why are you there?

A reference point is needed. Ask yourself, is there any key points that has brought you where are you now that you can continue to leverage for the next position? This question allows you to know your strength and weaknesses. It also forces you to access what has worked and what work will get you promoted to the next level.

·         How to get to your prospective point?

A clear and well-defined objective and plan is a must. Saying only that you want to get promoted were only plain words. You need to be clear on your target position. Is it a promotion to different department or different position? When you are focus to your target, plan how you will get your prospect position.

·         Put pride, passion and belief

Employee will mostly get the position they want if they have the urge and pride to always do their best at their work. Employees urge to work hard because they believe that they can be on the next level if they keep on putting a burning passion in their work.

·         Have skills, knowledge, direction and action

Pride, passion and belief must be back up with skills and knowledge. One will get promoted to the next level if they have the knowledge of that position. Direct your energy to your goals. Having direction will guide you to get the promotion you want. Action is the actualization of the entire task. Without action, all is academic. Boss will grant you promotion based on your performance.

·         Challenges are Opportunities

Every challenge that will come to you is another opportunity to gain chances of getting promoted. Do not complain about the hard work being thrown to you. Obey to all tasks given to you before you complain.

·         Know your part.

Know and play your part. What is your role in the firm? Are you the one implementing systems or are you the guide to follow these systems? Know exactly what you need to do in order for your team to achieve its goals. Teamwork is also an asset to get promoted. Support of colleagues is a great help.

·         NOW, not LATER

You must always do your best, NOW. Do not bask in the glory of your past tasks. Your superior doesn’t care about it anymore. Don’t also focus on future projects, it does still not exist. Focus on doing your best NOW. It determines how you’re being judge by everything you do. Focusing on past and future projects will only lose your focus on the NOW.

·         Do more than necessary

Doing a lot things far beyond your position will most likely result to a promotion. Volunteering for more work and taking the initiative to do more jobs better. It also means that being lazy and waiting for work will most likely result to nothing. Even if the problem is not yours and you think you can be the solution to the problem, then volunteer to help. Helping your team to stay ahead also helps you to be ahead.

·         Do work from position higher than yours

Doing only the work for your current position then you truly deserve that position. Employees who want promotion will most likely do task from the next level. Doing tasks above your position shows that you are capable of that position.

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