How to Create a Competitive Resume

How to create a professional resume that works? Now that’s a big problem shared by fresh graduates and other applicants alike. What will you include in the resume that will attract the HR manager’s eyes and be convincing that you are a wise addition in their firm ranks?

Writing resume is, after all, an example of marketing activities. It is one way to sell you to the company and standout among all other applicants. In addition, resume is no place to be humble.
Resume is not a tool to get you a job. It is the key for you to get a chance to have an interview and hopefully, will lead you to your dream job that will suffice all the stuffs you’re responsible of. First and foremost, your resume should attract the HR personnel’s eyes to be able for you to get an invitation for the interview.

There are so many resumes submitted in the HR department. Here are some tips on how to construct a powerful professional resume that will let you stand out among others.

·               Collect and gather the materials needed. Start by drafting your personal details, contact details, academic background, work experience, achievements, seminars attended, trainings, skills and proficiencies, character references, etc. Organize them and don’t forget the major and substantial details.
·                Pay attention to dates and places. Example of which are periods of employment, mistakes in these particular areas may lead to an impression of sloppiness or much worst feedbacks.

·              Start with your personal details. It includes your name, address and contact information. Include all possible contact details. For easy reading of contact references, contact details should be on the top after your name. Email address is very important since we are now living in an advance-evolving-technology world. It shows that you are somehow computer literate.

·              Come up with a clear, relevant and well-define objective. A well-develop job objective is one way of demonstrating that you are a focused individual. You have two options, if you’re aiming for a specific position, your objective may focus only for that position but if you are aiming to get higher appraisals, you can come up with a general description of the work environment you want to focus on.

·           Write a brief and clear summary of your job qualifications. Since resumes are being reviewed in only 30 seconds, you should include only the most items/qualifications that strongly support your job objectives. It is also a plus point that your classifications can be easily read by the interviewer that he/she will not be having a hard time summarizing your capabilities. Two or three sentences will do.

Your summary of qualifications should include:

-         Areas of your expertise
-         Years of employment
-         Skills and competencies that is unique from others
-         And other qualifications particular to your target job.

*       State your professional experiences. If you’re a newly graduate applicant, include your past part time jobs, on-the-job trainings, seminars etc. Don’t omit one detail or another. Include all your job experiences as much as possible. On the other hand, series of unemployed years, jumping from one company to another within short range of periods and other similar stories would inevitably lead to a series of questions regarding your work ethics, company loyalty, etc. So it is the best way not to leave anything about your work experience.

·                In your resume, include also your important achievements. Don’t just include your job responsibilities when you describe your work experience. It will only pad up your resume. Save the little information in the interview. Instead, highlight your major accomplishments. Use figures, numbers and percentage as much as possible. Describe it in an active voice, not passive. For example “manage to increase sales by 25% in a span of 1 year.”

·              Include your educational background. If you’re a fresh graduate without any work experiences, try to include your academic honors, extra-curricular activities, etc. Potential employers give priority to applicants who greatly excel in their academic activities; those who proven themselves in contests, have positions in student councils, honor students, etc. It shows that the applicant/s can handle great responsibilities and can perform their work at its best. Make sure that all of your academic achievements are all included in your resume as long as it is true. Always remember: “your resume is no place to be humble.”

·                Resumes are being read between 20 to 30 seconds, so be brief, straightforward and clear to what you are going to include in your resume. Use bullet points with short sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs. It makes it easier for someone to scan and read your resume and still absorb it. Your resume should not exceed to two pages. It may exceed to three pages unless you have a wide range of professional experience.

·                Leave the negative points. You should not include some items that will make your ship to your job sink. For example, you became an employee of the year and scandals happen all of sudden or you became a deans-list during your college days and all of a sudden you plunk. These items should not be included in your resume unless you have a great explanation regarding on this matters. As much as possible, include only the positive items in your resume.

·               Make your resume very understandable and presentable as much as possible. It should be visually appealing. A messy resume would reflect negatively your personality. A clear format of resume printed on a clean, 8”x11” legal size bond paper is a must. Font size can be no smaller than 10 and font style can be Arial, Times New Roman or Garamond. You can Bold or Underline items to highlight significant and important information.  It should be properly printed by a high quality printer to avoid errors in printing.

·               Once done, show your resume to your friends, parents, colleagues, etc. Be positive in accepting their comments and suggestions and write down some of their important notices in order for you to rewrite your masterpiece.

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