Managing Rejection Occurrence in your Job Hunting Experience

What comes next after a mind-boggling, full of pressure interview? Well, unfortunately for others, instead of a sweet approval from the employer conducted the interview, a very bitter, big NO comes from the mouth of the employer. Rejection after rejection in your job hunt can make you want to stay in your comfortable bed forever. However, instead of giving up, why don’t you change your strategy and adopt a new system to overcome multiple rejections from the employer.

The fact: job search is often a long and very hard activity we wish we can excuse ourselves from. We have to go through to get a jumpstart in our career whether we like it or not. Before we reach the very comforting zone of the office we wish to enter to, many of us, a lot of us have to go through a lot of disappointments.

Normally, our job hunting starts with us, browsing in newspapers, magazines, online sites, to look for our prospective job we want. After an hour or two, we will say to ourselves with excitement, “Yes, I’ve found my perfect job.” The advertisement that lights us up specifies requirements that match our skills, your experience, etc. All you have to do now is to draft your resume and submit it to the HR department and waited to be called for an interview. We’re confident enough that after the interview, we’ll be on our way now to our new office carrying our personal luggage.

Yet if only life would always happen that way we want it to be. And yes, it doesn’t always happen the way it was be. Even though the interview went very smoothly, we still not get the job. The rejection is always so painful that we want to quit and face the fact were not meant for any job.

Deflecting confidence busters

·         Accept the fact that being turned down is always part of the cruel world of job hunting and also the real world. Learn to manage things in a light and positive way, especially rejections. Put in mind that job hunting is also a way to know our limitations and to improve ourselves more. It can be a learning process and a good training ground for us in the real world.

·         Understand that being rejected means we’re useless person or the unfavorable decision is a reflection of who we are. Remember that even the most skillful and experienced professional has been turned down for certain position at some reasons. Every firm had their own set of standards for hiring employees. So it is not in our part that we’re useless or something, it’s just that we need to train ourselves more to gain more skills to meet most of the firm’s qualification.

·         Always remember:”You’re not alone.” Realize that every people around the world are undergoing the same process of job hunting as we were, and just like others, most of them get a call from the HR department saying good luck to our next job hunting.

·         Quitting is meaningless. It is a very hard and painful to be rejected but it is more painful if we just quit and let ourselves suffer from its agonizing effects. Quitting will only hurt us because hiring employers will most likely question the gap in our employment history.

·         After going through painful rejections, analyze why you did not get the job. Maybe the experience is pointing out a weak skill or area you need to work on. You should analyze yourself more and focus on the things you lack the most.

·         You may not have made it, but don’t make grudges on the interviewer. Instead, it is always good to send thank you cards or letters to the companies that gave you the interview.  Remember if you have been invited to the interview, then you are a qualified candidate for the job. You already half won the battle.

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