Things to Avoid during Interviews

·         Unpreparedness

Going to a company for an interview knowing nothing but the company’s name or a very unclear idea of the company’s profile is a big NO. Now what else to talk about? Before anything else, it's best to do some research and background checking on the company you’re going to apply. Being prepared also means that you are ready for any contingency. Bringing extra copies of your stuffs like resumes, contact info’s and other related materials that you’re going to use in filling up the application forms or any other related forms.

·         Tardiness

Question, do you ever encounter an interviewer or employer who gives merits or satisfactory ratings to applicants or even employees that being late is part of their life? It is probably impossible. An interviewer automatically disregards applicants that will come to their interview late. These interviewers were not meant to do interviews all the time. They all have their own business to take care of. Being late also shows that applicants cannot commit on doing things before deadlines, which will cause a company not to meet their quotas. Keep in mind that on any appointments especially interview, be sure to make it on time.

·         Dress Unprofessionally

First impressions always last. It can be a plus points or a demerit in your part, so meet company representatives in your professional look. You don’t need to be a glossy model guy in your outfit, but always be neat and clean. Jewelries, loud print shirts or even a very smelly perfume doesn’t need to be in your option.

·         Cell phones

Who’s going to give you an interview, the company representative or someone who’s calling on your phone? Keep your cell phones off or in silent profile during interviews. Talking to cell phone would probably shows that you’re not taking the job interview seriously. Unless it is very important, try to inform the representative about it.

·         Acting very Desperate

You may need that job badly but do you need to show it? Interviewers will lose their interest to someone who appears to be very desperate. After all, employers will hire you if you’re really fit to the firm ranks you’re applying to. It is the best way to be always calm and in control in everything you’re going to show to the employer. Smiling and making eye contacts are a must. Avoid showing that you’re nervous and avoid unnecessary actions during interview.

·         Over talking

Most probably, employers have a hearty dislike to applicants who over talks during interviews. It shows that the applicant can’t organize his thoughts and continues to say too many things. Focus is the key. Before the actual interview, try to have a practice interview or review the answers you’re going to say. Have a friend or any close colleagues to help you have a practice interview to collect your thoughts.

·         Being too personal

It's best to maintain professionalism during interviews. Always answer questions logically and professionally. Avoid talking or reasoning out personal aspects unless it requires you to do so or you’re specifically asked. Focus your answers on how you can be a solution to the company’s problems or how can you add up to their output.

·         “Yes” and “No” answers

Questions during interviews are not always open-ended questions. Try to elaborate your answers more often. Giving examples can support your answers to certain questions. Long answers will not help you. Remember, FOCUS.

·         Talking about the Salary

Resist the urge to ask how much you will earn on that job because it only shows that you’re only interested in the money, not the job. Wait for the right time to talk about your salary. If you meet their qualifications, you might as well get the chance to negotiate about your salary.

·         Too Much Honesty

Being honest is not bad, but don’t overdo it. Too much personal things to confess will only result to hearty dislikes. Don’t say things like you leave your previous job because of the salary or the boss, you were engage in a union or any other related stuffs. Project professional image at all times. It would be best to hide bad experiences during your previous jobs.

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